Wisconsin Uses PHIG Funds to Support Public Health Accreditation for Local and Tribal Health Departments

Success Stories

The Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Division of Public Health, received approval to proceed with a sole source contract with the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB) for advancing public health accreditation in the state. The new contract will utilize PHIG funds to cover fees for interested local and Tribal health departments to pursue the accreditation readiness assessment, the pathways program, and/or full accreditation. Depending on the level of interest and funding availability, the contract may also include state-specific training and technical assistance from PHAB (e.g., community of practice/peer networking facilitation, capacity-building support for state health department staff). This will remove at least a portion of the cost barrier to accreditation commonly reported by health jurisdictions and enable departments to improve their capacity to carry out the 10 Essential Public Health Services and the Foundational Capabilities.