“The expertise is in the room”: Region 1 PHIG Hub Convening Highlights the Power of People

Success Stories

On December 4-5, 2023, Health Resources in Action (HRiA), the National Network of Public Health Institutes’ regional hub for New England, hosted a Public Health Infrastructure Grant (PHIG) Hub Convening for Region 1 in Portland, Maine. Over 70 people attended, half of whom represented PHIG recipient health departments based in Massachusetts, Boston, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and, from region 2, New York. Health department staff were joined by representatives from the PHIG National Partners (Association of State and Territorial Health Officials,  Public Health Accreditation Board, NNPHI) and regional technical assistance providers (New England Public Health Training CenterVermont Public Health Institute). Of note, the Public Health Management Corporation, NNPHI’s PHIG Hub for Regions 2 & 3, stepped outside of their region to attend and support health department staff from New York.