Impacting Public Health

Success Stories

See firsthand stories of impact from the PHIG grant. From small wins to transformative changes, PHIG is fostering widespread innovation in public health systems and structures.

  • Massachusetts Establishes Ethics Advisory Committee Grounded in Principals of Equity and Justice

    In 2023, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MA DPH) established the Ethics Advisory Committee, an internal body of nine diverse, cross-department staff who help the department identify ethical dimensions, articulate ethical dilemmas, and evaluate ethical issues while centering racial equity. The committee’s establishment represents the culmination of eight years of work, starting with MA DPH’s initial efforts in 2015 to prepare for accreditation with PHAB. PHIG technical assistance partners, including Health Resources in Action, PHAB, and The Dawn Lab, supported this success through intensive guidance on best practices around committee formation, reaccreditation support, and training and capacity building on public health ethical analysis. Through these efforts, MA DPH and its Ethics Advisory Committee are prepared to respond to various public health issues using an ethical framework that centers equity and justice.

    A group of individuals seated at a conference table, actively participating in a business meeting.
  • CDPHE Expands Health Systems Directory to Include Public Health Workforce

    The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) is expanding its Colorado Health Systems Directory (CHSD) to include public health workers, a critical step made possible by PHIG funding. This database uses a standardized program-level taxonomy to categorize public health workers across agencies and programs, strengthening workforce recruitment, retention, and professional development. The initiative has already collected key data from partners, with plans to import its first data file into the CHSD by the end of 2024. Collaboration with local and state partners, including the Colorado School of Public Health, has been key to the project’s success. CDPHE plans to refine and scale the taxonomy to ensure a long-term impact on workforce development and public health outcomes.

    Gold pins connected by red strings.
  • Michigan’s Health Equity Councils Ensure Those Most Affected by Health Disparities Drive Public Health Decisions

    Michigan's Health Equity Councils, supported by PHIG, have empowered community members to lead the decision-making process in addressing adverse health outcomes. By using a collective impact framework and incorporating community sustainability, these councils ensure that the voices of those most affected by health disparities are at the forefront. This PHIG-funded initiative fosters collaboration between public health and community leaders, creating a sustainable model for addressing inequities and driving long-term health improvements across Michigan.

    People sitting around a conference room table listening to woman at front of room pointing to whiteboard.
  • New Mexico Supports a Diverse, Highly Skilled Workforce Through New Onboarding and Training Programs

    The New Mexico Department of Health’s (NMDOH) Workforce Development and Learning Management offices are using PHIG support to develop a diverse and proficient workforce. PHIG support allowed NMDOH to create a training team that designs robust learning experiences for staff across all NMDOH. Thus far, the team has (1) overhauled their new employee orientation to promote unity in public health knowledge and organizational culture, (2) planned a multi-tiered Leadership Academy to operationalize person-centered leadership principles and practices, and (3) created a yearlong "New to Public Health Residency Program" to provide professionals who are new to the field with foundational knowledge and skills that are essential to effective public health practice. While these initiatives are relatively early in their design and implementation, initial pilots of the new employee orientation and Leadership Academy have earned excellent evaluations from attendees.

    Close-up view of a stack of spiral-bound notebooks
  • North Dakota Public Health Leadership Academy Empowers Future Leaders

    With PHIG funding, North Dakota Local Public Health Units (ND LPHU) enabled several staff members to attend critical professional development sessions previously out of reach due to budget limitations. These training opportunities have significantly boosted the staff’s skills and knowledge, directly improving the public health services they provide to North Dakota residents. PHIG accelerated these advancements, allowing the team to access cutting-edge training that enhances service delivery and strengthens community health.

    Full shot of a group of stylized figures, with one figure highlighted with a bright, luminous white light.
  • Delaware Strengthens Disease Outbreak Response with PHIG Funding Support

    The Delaware Division of Public Health (DPH) has been using PHIG funding to enhance its ability to prevent, identify, and respond to disease outbreaks. First, DPH is upgrading its immunization registry, which will allow it to track vaccination rates better and identify gaps in coverage. DPH has also used PHIG to support Disease Investigative Specialists. These dedicated professionals work across the state, including in rural areas where healthcare access is limited. Their efforts are crucial in managing outbreaks and providing essential health services.

    Healthcare worker swabbing arm of patient. Both are wearing masks.
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