Impacting Public Health

Success Stories

See firsthand stories of impact from the PHIG grant. From small wins to transformative changes, PHIG is fostering widespread innovation in public health systems and structures.

  • PHIG Supports Iowa HHS in Creating a More Responsive Data System

    The Iowa Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is using PHIG funding to improve the availability and quality of public health data for analysis. Currently, three datasets are in the lake, with a fourth to be added in 2025. Additionally, HHS is establishing robust data governance around data access controls in the data lake and identifying the best solutions to link across the different data sets, allowing for more timely, data-driven decisions, especially during crises. PHIG funding also enabled the expansion of the workforce with new epidemiologists and data scientists, who can utilize the data lake to respond to data requests and perform analysis.

    Two men in business suits analyzing graphs displayed on a large screen in a professional setting.
  • FSM Continues Efforts to Improve Health Services in Remote Areas Under PHIG

    Through PHIG, the Department of Health and Social Affairs – Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) is building on their efforts to rehabilitate clinics on outlying islands that they began under the National Initiative to Address COVID-19 Health Disparities Among Populations at High-Risk and Underserved, Including Racial and Ethnic Minority Populations and Rural Communities Funding. FSM is completing a community assessment of dispensaries to better understand the quality of health services and community healthcare needs. The assessment results will help FSM prioritize dispensary infrastructure improvements and staff training, ultimately supporting the health of those on more remote islands.

    A hand holding a medical cross against a blue background.
  • Louisiana Department of Health Creates Strategic Plan with PHIG Hub Support

    The Louisiana Department of Health’s (LDH) Bureau of Planning and Performance held a two-day strategic planning meeting, establishing a cohesive plan to guide the activities and key performance indicators for all bureau teams over the next 1-2 years. To support this effort, LDH partnered with the PHIG Hub for Region 6, the Louisiana Public Health Institute (LPHI), for additional strategic expertise and logistical support. With LPHI handling meeting facilitation, notetaking, operational support, and providing a meeting location, the Bureau’s leadership and staff could dedicate their time and energy to driving innovation and strategy during these critical planning sessions.

    A diverse group of individuals collaborating around a whiteboard filled with notes and diagrams.
  • Iowa HHS Advances Health Equity with PHIG Funding and New Language Access Role

    The Iowa Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) utilized PHIG funding to conduct a comprehensive health equity assessment, providing a strategy for integrating equity across HHS programs and policies. Key findings led to divisional roadmaps for embedding equity principles into service delivery. PHIG funding also supported the hiring of a Language Access Coordinator in HHS's Bureau of Health Equity, focused on enhancing accessibility for individuals with limited English proficiency. This role is vital for implementing language access policies, fostering inclusivity, improving service delivery, and advancing health equity across Iowa.

    A vibrant rainbow-colored braided ribbon elegantly laid out on a white surface.
  • KDHE Launches Public Health Training Program with PHIG Support

    The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) launched the Foundations of Public Health Training Program in March 2024, introducing a year-long, cohort-based curriculum that enhances skills and knowledge for public health professionals across the state. With PHIG supporting its development and implementation, the program engaged 27 participants—primarily local health department staff but also KDHE staff and cross-sector public health partners—through mentorship and project-based learning experiences led by Wichita State University. Participants have expressed enthusiasm, noting opportunities to learn from expert speakers and to network across the field. Through its Targeted Evaluation Plan, KDHE plans to measure the impact of the training on participants’ career retention in public health.

    A diverse group of individuals seated in chairs around 3 tables, attentively facing a large screen in a meeting or presentation setting.
  • RMI Strategically Plans, Outlines Improvements to Health Workforce Capacity at Annual Leadership Conference

    The Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) Ministry of Health & Human Services (MOHHS) hosted its second Tole Mour Leadership Conference in July to share strategies and resources for moving toward a more integrated and sustainable health system and review the progress and refinement of the MOHHS’ strategic plan. The conference brought together MOHHS leadership and staff, governmental department heads, and technical assistance partner organizations such as the national PHIG partners. RMI took steps and laid plans for improving its nurse training policies and management, as well as assessing legal barriers to departmental hiring procedures. By implementing these plans, RMI hopes to increase workforce capacity.

    Image of participants at RMI Annual Leadership Conference
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