New Mexico Supports a Diverse, Highly Skilled Workforce Through New Onboarding and Training Programs

Success Stories

The New Mexico Department of Health’s (NMDOH) Workforce Development and Learning Management offices are using PHIG support to develop a diverse and proficient workforce. PHIG support allowed NMDOH to create a training team that designs robust learning experiences for staff across all NMDOH. Thus far, the team has (1) overhauled their new employee orientation to promote unity in public health knowledge and organizational culture, (2) planned a multi-tiered Leadership Academy to operationalize person-centered leadership principles and practices, and (3) created a yearlong “New to Public Health Residency Program” to provide professionals who are new to the field with foundational knowledge and skills that are essential to effective public health practice. While these initiatives are relatively early in their design and implementation, initial pilots of the new employee orientation and Leadership Academy have earned excellent evaluations from attendees.