DC Health Champions Workforce Well-Being with Trauma-Informed Leadership

Success Stories

In 2024, DC Health’s PHIG-supported workforce team prioritized well-being and strong organizational culture by introducing servant leadership principles to define culture and provide training, application, and recognition of these values to improve engagement and retention at the agency. This plan reflected key concepts informing DC Health’s agency goals, including core themes from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)’s Worker Well-Being Framework, the Surgeon General’s Framework for Workplace Mental Health and Well-being, and DC Health’s own workforce development plan. Phase 1 of the initiative included the implementation of Trauma-Informed Servant Leadership Training from April to August 2024 that trained 85% (530) of agency staff across more than 25 sessions. The training focused on learning, practice, and action planning through the introduction of Servant Leadership Performance Competency and supporting Servant Leadership Action Plan to guide individual achievement, which was submitted to the online database for reference by leaders during performance management interactions.