Author name: Heidi Satter

coworkers viewing sticky notes

Leading by Example Benefits Employees

Leaders’ habits significantly impact their staff. Leading by example with good workplace habits and boundaries can encourage employees to abide by those practices themselves. In this blog, find strategies to address employee well-being, burnout, and retention and learn how PH-HERO, a PHIG-supported program, is focused on enhancing leadership and management skills to positively impact organizational culture.

Leading by Example Benefits Employees Read More »

TA Launch Success Story Photo.

PHI’s Virtual Technical Assistance Launch Event Connects Region 9 Health Departments with Partners & Tools Needed to Drive Change

On February 29, 2024, the PHI Center for Health Leadership & Impact (CHLI) hosted Region 9’s first virtual Public Health Infrastructure Grant (PHIG) Technical Assistance Launch in collaboration with the National Network of Public Health Institutes (NNPHI). The event gathered nearly 70 representatives from health departments and organizations across the region, and was an excellent example of how well-structured virtual convenings can serve as critical tools to build or maintain interagency relationships, share complex information, and foster collaboration. PHI also used this event to launch their Region 9 PHIG Resource Guide, which is available for download on their website – click through to the story to learn more!

PHI’s Virtual Technical Assistance Launch Event Connects Region 9 Health Departments with Partners & Tools Needed to Drive Change Read More »

Social media card announcing Investing in Public Health Infrastructure: Indiana's Success Story, includes photos of Senator Luke Kenley and Lindsay Weaver, MD.

Investing in Public Health Infrastructure: Indiana’s Success Story

In 2023, Indiana lawmakers passed SB 4 and dramatically increased the state’s investment in public health, reimaging how the state delivered core public health services. Learn more about how this law was developed and how it has changed Indiana public health through a conversation with Lindsay Weaver, MD, FACEP, and former Indiana Senator Luke Kenley.

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Photo of two North Caroline public health employees holding a sign that says we are nc public health

Harnessing the FPHS to Drive Strategy and Create Shared Language in North Carolina

Having a shared framework and language is crucial when addressing complex public health challenges. The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services has adopted the Foundational Public Health Services (FPHS) framework as a roadmap for building infrastructure, delivering and prioritizing public health services, and implementing the PHIG activities.

Harnessing the FPHS to Drive Strategy and Create Shared Language in North Carolina Read More »

Event photo on supporting the Public Health Workforce with Trauma-Responsive Leadership Skills.

Supporting the Public Health Workforce with Trauma-Responsive Leadership Skills

ASTHO examines trauma-responsive leadership and the work underway through the Public Health – Hope, Equity, Resilience, Opportunity (PH-HERO) Learning Community, a group of 13 governmental public health agencies committed to a trauma-responsive approach to supporting their workforce.

Supporting the Public Health Workforce with Trauma-Responsive Leadership Skills Read More »

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